# Start from the official Go image to create a build artifact. # This is the first stage of a multi-stage build. FROM golang:1.19 as builder # Set the working directory inside the container. WORKDIR /build # Copy go.mod and go.sum to download dependencies. COPY go.mod . # Download Go modules (dependencies). RUN go mod download # Copy the rest of the source code. COPY . . # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36279253/go-compiled-binary-wont-run-in-an-alpine-docker-container-on-ubuntu-host ENV CGO_ENABLED=0 # Build the Go app as a static binary. # You might need to add tags or other build arguments depending on your application. RUN go build -o pocketbase main/main.go # Start from a smaller image to make the final image smaller. FROM alpine:latest # Set the working directory inside the container. WORKDIR /app # Copy the statically-linked binary from the builder stage. COPY --from=builder /build/pocketbase . # Expose port 8090 to the outside world. EXPOSE 8090 # Update Path ENV PATH="/app:${PATH}" # Command to run the executable. CMD ["./pocketbase", "serve", "--http=", "--dir=/pb_data"]